2990 Church St., South Mountain, ON

David Fordyce Barr-P Eng. RCN (Lt ret’d) July 12, 1936 - April 2, 2022

Date of Funeral

June 18, 2022

It is with a great sense of loss and sadness that we announce the death of David Fordyce Barr, who braved the losses associated with Alzheimers without complaint. He was released from this cruel disease at Dundas Manor, Winchester, Ontario on April 2, 2022. David leaves his wife Penny and his children  Nancy Mayer, Madge Barr and John Barr, as well as his 8 grandchildren: David Mayer, Elizabeth Barr, Emily and Marc Fleck, Adrienne, Robert, Paul Gaudreault and Jack Barr. Predeceased by his parents Marjorie Poe and Gordon Barr, his respected Uncle Bob, RBFB, and his son-in-law Raymond Gaudreault. David was the great, great grandson of the Honourable Robert Baldwin, who with Louis LaFontaine, gave Canadians Responsible Government.

A Memorial Service will be held on June 18, 2022 at Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Riverside Heights at 12 p.m.  A reception at the Russell Manor, Morrisburg will follow.

“An Officer and a Gentleman”

Arrangements entrusted to the Byers Funeral Home, South Mountain, (613-989-3836) Online condolences may be made at www.byersfuneralhomeinc.ca



A Memorial Service will be held on June 18, 2022 at Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Riverside Heights at 12 p.m.  A reception at the Russell Manor, Morrisburg to follow.

“An Officer and a Gentleman”

Arrangements entrusted to the Byers Funeral Home, South Mountain, (613-989-3836) Online condolences may be made at www.byersfuneralhomeinc.ca


  1. REPLY
    Bob & Sandra Weagant says

    Penny and family Bob and I were sorry to hear of Dave’s passing but we know the last few years were very difficult for such a wonderful man. Our prayers are with you.

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    Ted & Karin Ceelen says

    Our deepest and most heart felt condolences to Penny and family. I enjoyed my talks with David about sailing. It was a privlage to meet such a wonderfull man.

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    Muriel Whitteker says

    My deepest sympathy to you Penny and your family. It was a privilege and honour to have known David and you. Take care of yourself.

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    Nancy Murphy says

    Penny — I was sorry to read that David has died. I remember all the very good times we had together, and I want you to know that you and all the family are in my thoughts and prayers. It’s been a few difficult years for you, I expect, and I know that your memories are probably very lovely. Blesssings.

  5. REPLY
    Elizabeth Saunders says

    Dear Penny Our paths have not crossed in a long time. I just read of David’s passing and send
    deepest sympathy to you and your family. Betty Saunders

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    Charlie, David and Sandi Stewart says

    Penny and Families

    Sorry to hear of David’s passing.
    When we lose a loved one here on earth, we gain an angel in heaven that watches
    over us. May you take comfort in knowing that you have an angel to watch over
    you now. We extend our most sincere condolences to you and your families.
    Charlie, David and Sandi.

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    Rhonda Boulanger says

    Our sincere condolences Penny and family. Neal’s Heating, Cooling and Refrigeration and staff.

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    Dear Penny: It is more than 10 years since we have been in touch. David was already not well then. You have been through a long, challenging time. My heart goes out to you and yours as you learn to live without him. Please get in touch when you can. I am in Ottawa now, so it should be easy to arrange to meet.

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    Marilyn A. Tremblay says

    Dear Penny. I am so very sorry to hear of Dave’s passing. I knew David while working in the Engineering Department at Bell. He was the finest of gentlemen. I loved working with him. David would arrive at our Toronto office usually accompanied by my District Engineer from Barrie. David always made my day. My late husband, Robert, thought very highly of Dave. Dave was one of my calmer District Engineers. He had a way of putting things in perspective quickly. I enjoyed my many discussions with him. Robert & I ran into David occassionally after. I can almost hear Dave & Robert discussing all worldy subjects and arranging the estimates to get the job done. Robert was sick for a long time and I can sympathize with you being a hard working care giver. I am sorry that ParaTranspo does not go to Morrisburg, otherwise I would be at the Memorial Service. Blessings to you and your family. Prayers, Marilyn Tremblay

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    Bonnie & Andy Robinson says

    Penny, we want you to know we are thinking of you. We recall fondly when you lived in our neighbourhood and attended St. Bart’s. It has been a long and difficult time for you all. May you find much comfort in the memories you shared together. Bonnie & Andy

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    Ian "Bags" Brown says

    Dear Penny, Nancy, Madge and John, my sincerest condolences. Visiting Tolka Lodge was a wonderful experience for a young sailing instructor, eager to share a love of sailing. David was the ideal mentor. I won’t forget my first sail in a Laser. I can’t recall if it was his, or yours, Penny, but a cherished experience nonetheless.

    You all have many, many of those wonderful experiences to hang onto now. I wish you fair winds on Saturday to give David the send-off he deserves. I wish I could be there. My thoughts and prayers will be with you.

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    Jane Watson Smith says

    Dearest Pen,

    David’s very young face leapt out of the page when I finally caught up with the weekend papers. I send much love to you and your family. Your old Branksome room-mate Pam Kerr Bonnycastle is coming for dinner tonight with the glamorous Diana Eden(aka Moore-Ede), here from Las Vegas. Just visited Sandra Seagram in Rome. Missed the BHS reunion as I was in Ottawa for yet another memorial as Pam Charon, whom I usually see, was in Toronto!Where are you living? My Dad lingered with Alzheimer’s for over a dozen years. I am with you!


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